The objective of the program in question is to offer additional financial support, subject to compliance with the requirements established in each call and the budget availability of the Faculty of Architecture (FA), as well as the corresponding university regulations. This initiative seeks to promote cooperation and links between institutions in order to carry out academic activities and projects that have a tangible impact on internationalization, collaboration at the national level and the improvement of the academic and professional profile. All of this is aimed at the benefit of the FA-UNAM community and with possible repercussions on research. In addition, the participation and visit of prominent national and international academics is encouraged to establish networks of professional and academic cooperation between related entities, with the aim of generating a positive impact on the FA-UNAM community.
In order to enhance and consolidate the collaboration of the UNAM academic community with its national and international counterparts, the National Autonomous University of Mexico, through the General Directorate of Cooperation and Internationalization (DGECI), invites its entities academics, coordinations and agencies to submit requests for complementary financial support. This support is intended for academic staff, cultural groups, officials and trusted personnel who are part of the areas of linkage and exchange of both UNAM and institutions external to it.
The purpose of these requests is to carry out activities that contribute to internationalization actions, addressing teaching actions, academic dissemination, cultural dissemination and other initiatives. These actions seek to promote the international projection of UNAM, in total accordance with the guidelines established in the current call.
This program aims to support the participation of UNAM academic staff, specifically full-time academics, in high-impact international academic events for teaching and research. Likewise, it seeks to facilitate visits to UNAM by distinguished academics from other institutions, both national and foreign, whose presence benefits the academic community in areas related to the visitor's specialization. These activities have a maximum duration of one month and are subject to the bases established in the current call.